Monday 17 November 2008

Installation plan

Time: 11.30am
Date: 17-12-08
Location: t45 - media department.

i have chosen to exhibit my video in this particular place as i think the media students that will view it will understand more what i am trying to portray in my video, i also think the energy from the students will be great as the pupils are fun and have great personalities, which is really what my video is all about.
i will exhibit my video on the last day of term as i want the students to have laugh and be positive, i will show it between 11am and 11.30.

Sunday 16 November 2008

The use of exhibition space to create meaning, How does the exhibition space change the meaning of the work.

Dominique Gonzalez's "th.2058" use of exhibition space is exhibited to the viewers starting with thick strips of plastic that hide the artwork that is hidden behind so it makes the viewers wonder what is beyond so they will want to go and have a look. The plastic strips are orange and green but are near enough see through so you can just about see what is behind which makes it even more intriguing. Behind this there are rows of blue and yellow bunkbeds all spread out, each one with a book on top. As you walk into the hall, the first thing you see is an enlarged spider which towers over everyone, also on the other side of the hall there is an enlarged skeleton of some kind of animal, it looked as though it was meant to be a dinosaur. In the centre of the hall at the back there was also a big screen twhich was playing a film, looked to be set in the future, each bunkbed had a set of earphones that were connected to the screen so when you listened you could here the story behind the art. The story Dominque Gonzalez was trying to convey was that in 50 years time there would be never ending rain and the people of london would be taking shelter in this hall, and as it rained more it made spiders and skeleton bones grow bigger. This piece also creates the feeling of being uncomfortable and confused, the beds are empty so we wonder why, theres a skeleton and a large spider towering over so this gives the feeling of being taken over, and also the fact that the hall is so big.
Susan Hiller's psi girls is also very effective as it is set in a little darkend room with the lights switched off with a projector in the middle of the room projecting short clips from films that are potraying young girls and woman exercising paranormal powers. As you walk into the room there are no lights, just the light reflected from the projector which is similar to a rainbow colour, there is also a bench were you can sit and watch the screen, viewing this gives the audience the sense of excitement of what is going on because each girl on each screen is exercising their physic powers which is intriguing to watch because it is abnormal yet quite extraordinary to be gifted in that way. Watching this gives the feeling that you are watching it in a cinema which everyone likes to do so buy watching this video you are taking in the concept of the story yet also enjoying the relaxation.