Friday 10 October 2008

Discuss both past and current artists.

In the girl chewing gum by john smith made in the 70’s, we first of all perceive the video as the director directing the film as when watching the video we can hear him talking as if he is directing it which makes us believe he is, we then start to think as you watch and listen carefully that this is a pre recorded film being spoken over by, by john smith, it is also as if the sounds are diegetic because we can hear the sounds of cars, birds fluttering, people speaking and laughing as we see it happening, but as it is pre recorded it is therefore non diegetic, whereas in 1001 nights by Jananne Al-Ani made in the late 90’s, the film has already been directed and the sounds are actually diegetic, the short film is a group of women each telling a story which we then understand to be a nightmarish kind of hallucinating like dream. Also in koyaanisquatsi and the girl chewing gum they are in some way similar as they both have the use of non diegetic sounds, as the footage has already been recorded.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Can you try to use some of the terminology when explaining the pieces ie. Craft over concept etc you also mention background music is this diagetic or non? Try instead of explaining what has happened in the work talk about the effect it has. Also 1001 nights is not an animation. Have a read through and try this chapter again.