Tuesday 7 October 2008


This film was made in 1983 and is directed by Godrefry Reggio, it is 1 hour and 23 minutes long. this film is made up with reali life images and videos which are quite hard to capture, it seems to be based in a city in America somewhere. the video starts with the camera filming over some caves, then there is an explosion and the camera starts to follow everything falling and it filming that precise part for a good 5 minutes. it then switches to city life, cars going up and down on a motorway, but this part of the video, the camera is spead up along with the music , whenever the film is spead up the music is aswel so it is in proportion. the film then goes on to film army tanks on a beach in rows and planes and battleships wih planes on it, it then goes to the scene of the whole city, children playing on the street then everything is fast forwarded again. koyaanisquatsi mean life out of balance, which this film clearly displays, it is quite random how everything is put together, but at the same time quite interesting, this is where craft and concept comes into the film. the director has made this film in a special way to put his ideas across, we may not understand his "art" and the way he put this film together and why he did so but it depends on the way you decide to look at the film, like if you think the film is just boring and you dont understand it, or if you watch the film properly, understand why the director has chosen those particular shots he did and also understand the meanin of the title, life out of balance. it is art in his own form. the sounds used where non digetic as there was music played throughout the film and we could not see where it was coming from, so we automatically assume it was being played over the film.

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