Monday 13 October 2008

The use of technology, techniques and styles...

The girl chewing gum, by john smith was made in the 70’s,so technology used back then would not of been as great as the technology used today for example in koyaanisquatsi, by Godfrey Reggios which was made in the 80’s there is a 10 year gap which would mean the technology could have improved slightly, for example in koyaanisquatsi there are some shots in the video that are quite hard to get and in some points in the film there are time lapses where Reggios has sped up images in the film to create the sense of everything being in a rush, also images that are slowed down to show slow motion. Technology used in “doll face” is completely different to the technology used in koyaanisquatsi and the girl chewing gum; this is because doll face is an animation, used with CGI graphics which is a very modern type of graphic used to create special effects, made on the computer, 20/30 years ago this was not around so we can clearly tell the difference from a 1960’s/80’s film.

1 comment:

CSC MEDIA said...

Be careful this entry is very similar to Shanice's you both discuss narrative in the wrong chapter. In this chapter you need to remember the need to view these in the context of the time they were created. Koyaanisqatsi was modern at the time it was created? Try and tie these together and discuss them under the same headings i.e. Effects, Styles or production costs. How have aspects such technology or money affected the overall meaning of the work, or is it just the look of the work that changes?