Thursday 18 December 2008

Evaluation for my experimental video

Evaluation for my experimental video

Overall I think during this project I did quite well, I learned how to edit using the Macs and enjoyed working on them. I also found making the video quite fun, when I first heard we had to make an experimental video I had so many ideas and thought I could put them into one, but I realised it would be quite difficult to try and put them all together because it just wouldn’t have made sense.

Instead I came up with the idea of laughing, which then gave me the idea of using different peoples laughs and putting them together then editing them. The idea was to show how people laugh differently and also what can make a person laugh in the way that they do.
I then needed to think about whether it would be diegetic sound or non-diegetic sound, I chose to use diegetic sound, as I wanted the audience to see where the laughs were coming from and that they were not pre recorded.

The people I chose to use in my video where some of the pupils from my class, I did this because the particular people I chose each have a unique laugh which I thought would be perfect for the video, they are also people with amazing personality which the audience can see when they watch the video, they really know how to have a laugh and have fun.

In order to record my video I needed to fill out some paper work 1st, which included information about my shooting schedule, contact numbers of the actors/actresses that were in the video, information on the health and safety whilst filming the video, a story board and the treatment form which I also posted up on my blog.

After everything was filmed and edited I needed to exhibit my video to an audience, which I needed to choose a particular place to do so.
Just before we started filming our experimental video, we were taken on a trip up to London to an exhibition gallery called the “Tate modern” to look at different artists work, which included videos which were set in a specific place to create a meaning of the video, the idea was to make the audience feel and virtually see exactly what the artist was portraying to its audience. Each one did not have a specific audience it was aimed at which meant anyone could watch it but it also meant that not everyone would understand it.

We were taken here for a particular reason which was to give us ideas on how we could exhibit our own experimental videos which included the layout of how we would show the video to the chosen audience and why we chose this particular layout, it all needed a reason which the audience would understand why and then begin to understand what the video is about. So I will need to choose a specific place where I will exhibit my video so people who will view my video will understand what I am portraying and what the video is actually about, even though the video is simply about different peoples laughs some people may portray it as something different so this is why it is important that I need to show it to people who are interested and that is important I show it in the right atmosphere which will be positive.

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